#c// #################################################################### #c// Album Theme created by DaveSource.com #c// Looks better with thumbnail width of 100 #c// #################################################################### <: # Path setting - this is the path to the images $PATH = Theme_Path(); :>// #c// #################################################################### Album: <: pAlbum_Name() :> <: Meta() :>

<: # We only want the parent albums, not the current albums while ($PARENT_ALBUM_CNT+1 <= $#PARENT_ALBUMS) { pParent_Album(); Next_Parent_Album(); print ":" if ($PARENT_ALBUM_CNT+1 <= $#PARENT_ALBUMS); } :>//

<: pParent_Album() :>


<: if (Child_Albums()) { _:>

More albums:

<: while (Child_Albums()) { pChild_Album(); print "
\n"; Next_Child_Album(); } :>

<: } :>
<: if (isHeader()) { _:>

<: } _:> #c # Loop on the images
<: while(Images()) { _:>
#c #c
' width='15' src='<:=$PATH:>/ThBord_L.gif'>' src='<:=$PATH:>/ThBord_T.gif'> ' width='15' src='<:=$PATH:>/ThBord_R.gif'>
' src='<:=$PATH:>/ThBord_T.gif'>


#c # End while images <: Next_Image() :> <: } :> <: if (isFooter()) { _:>

<: } _:>

<: Credit() :> on <:=scalar localtime:>